Sunday, 7 October 2007

What to write...

One of the hobbies I have is writing. Now I am the kind of writer that likes a diversity of writings. I love to write prose, journalistic articles, some poetry, columns, business writings, but I also enjoy erotic writing. All of the above I publish, frequently, but not the last one, which is a bit strange if you think about it.

So today I decided to change this and send a short story to an erotic e-zine. Who knows, other people may actually like it. Also, it shows a side of me, as a writer, only very few other people know about, maybe that is the part I like most about it. As in all my writings, there are no taboos and no limits, being somebody who hates judgments, rules, boredom and simply following life by an organized route, this fits me best. So wish me luck.

Well, talking about writing, I am due for a deadline in a couple of hours. An article about South–Italy, for a glossy magazine. I interviewed a well-known singer there. She is really great and made a big impression on me with both her voice and her personality. So, writing about her and Italy, isn’t really a punishment. I will meet her again, end of the year in Paris, when she will present her new CD. And after that we will just hit the town to have some girl fun. Can’t wait!


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