I could not have started a new job more miserable as I have done the last couple of weeks. Struggling with flue, sinuses problems, ear infection, throat infection and a constantly itching nose, which sneezed every ten minutes some two to three times, I tried to focus on all the new impressions, expressions, clients, colleagues and other familiar things, surrounding a new job. A little bit insecure I started to explore my new surroundings and fought gigantic traffic jams, seemingly to appear out of nothing and on any given time. Spending an average of five to six other from my home to work and back, is tiring enough, but trust me, there are only so many hours in which one can be focused and not bored by the never ending and full roads.
But today I surrendered and decided to stay home. Expecting to have to go to Belgium today, I was both annoyed as well as happy, that my Belgian colleague, let me know only yesterday evening, that they could manage without me. That I spend a large part of my weekend on reading materials regarding this project, I tried to ignore. At least I could stay home and work on some enhancement plans, I needed to present next week. And so I did. Not that I had any choice, I felt even more miserable this morning. Feeling guilty towards my employer, I have read old proposal materials, and made enhancements notes, which I will put in my presentation. Okay, I am doing it all from out of my mobile office in bed, but further than that, I have done well, I must say. No flue will make me surrender completely, glancing sideways to the with cotton which are silently witnesses of my words implying a little more braveries than the situation really is, but nevertheless I can be proud at myself. Let’s hope tomorrow I will feel a little bit better.
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