My first blog and what a better start to begin this new blog in the same week I started my new job. And what a week it was. After a few months of relaxing, thinking and writing, I started last Monday my new job as Business Writer for a large international ICT company. Excited and a bit nervous I step into my car on Monday morning, anxious, but excited to go to my new workplace, which is about a two hour's drive from the place where I live. I wish it would take a lot less time, but heh, the perfect job is unfortunately not always connected to the hipbone.
That it would become a challenge to be at my new workplace, was clear right after the second day. After being in several traffic jams on almost every new interstate I took and seeing more accidents in a day, than I normal saw in a week or maybe even two, I understood that the almost 400 kilometres I made back and forth, was a lot longer than I had ever anticipated. But knowing that the new company I worked for had offices at several location, from which two not so far from the place that I live, I also know that as soon as I have become more up to date with the way my new employer is doing their business, I will be able to work from one of the nearer offices or from home. Also I would need to do some travelling, so the pain from my current travelling, will probably diminish a lot in the near future.
After being for a few months being put on non-active duty by my old employer, as soon as they heard that I had signed a contract with one of their competitors, I was/am very thrilled to be back into the world of outsourcing. I have missed the hectic, yet stressful environment, missed my peers and the intellectual challenge. I have also missed my independence, doing something on my own, without my children or partner. So when I finally arrived at headquarters, I took a deep sigh and stepped inside with as much confidence I could gather, because with all of the great aspects of being a career woman, I also knew that with all the great, interesting and fun parts of my work, also came the hectic, stress, tiredness, desperation, missing my family when being on a project and being constantly aware of being stabbed in the back, because the world of business can be fun and rewarding, but every sun has its moon and every yin has its yang and so with pleasure also comes the pain, collegians' who are jealous, career driven by stepping on heads of others, or simply people who have nothing better to do than tell lies or being just a plain pain in the arse. Everything comes at a price.
Since living in and moving through the world of business can be quite interesting, I have decided to start a blog to tell everybody who is interested, what will be my adventures as a woman, trying to cope in the though business world, as well as taking care of two young children, having a relationship and writing on her second book, while also publishing several articles each year. My world is hectic, dynamic, interesting, tiring, suprising, exciting, from time to time very emotional, but most of all, my world can be very funny.
For now I just keep my fingers crossed, close my eyes and take my first step, back into the Rate Race.